Fondaway Canyon Exploration and Resources Model Update

Published October 20, 2022

The 2022 drill program continues at the Fondaway Canyon gold project, Nevada, and we know that our communityis excited for pending assay results and for the release of the Fondaway Canyon Resources Estimate. Complementary to the update below, we suggest that you visit the 2022 Exploration Recap Video, as this 9-minute video provides a detailed summary of the key highlights and results to date from the Company’s 2020 to 2022 drill programs at Fondaway Canyon. Click here to

watch: https://youtu.be/jCVNIxheGNM.

2022 Fondaway Canyon Resources Estimate

The team at Apex GeoScience Ltd., commissioned to produce a Mineral Resources Estimate at Fondaway Canyon,is fully engaged on developing the resources model.

The original deadline proposed for the cut off of data to be incorporated into the resources model was July 31,2022, which would likely have delivered the Resources Estimate by the end of September or early October. However, as drilling progressed on the North Fork zone, following up on drill hole FCG21-16’s high-grade gold drill intercept discovered at the end of 2021, it became imperative to wait to include the results from the first three 2022drill holes (FCG22-17, 18 and 19) into the Resources Estimate due to the potentially significant contribution they represent.

Below is a condensed summary of the recently announced drill highlights at North Fork:

  • FCG21-16: 6.3 g/t Au over 50.7m including 10.4 g/t Au over 25.0m
  • FCG22-17: 3.8 g/t Au over 85.9m including 17.7 g/t Au over 9.9m
  • FCG22-18: 2.5 g/t Au over 43.4m, 2.1 g/t Au over 46.9m, and 1.9 g/t Au over 72.6m
  • FCG22-19: 1.8 g/t Au over 107.5m including 2.9 g/t Au over 32.9m

Including these greatly additive results into the Mineral Resources model effectively moved the data cut-off date to September 27, 2022 (view news release on HoleFCG22-19), and the anticipated completion of the MineralResources Estimate is now set for mid-November.

Along with the three notable 2022 drill holes listed above, the forthcoming Mineral Resources Estimate will include data from Getchell’s 2020 and 2021, and Canagold Resources Ltd.’s (previous operator) 2017 drill campaigns, inaddition to all available drilling incorporated into the Historical Resources Estimate published by Canagold in 2017.

Fondaway Canyon Central Area Drill Program Update

So far in 2022, 10 holes have been completed (FCG22-17 to 23 and FCG22-25-27) in the Central Area at Fondaway Canyon, totaling 3,900 m. Assay results have been released for three of those holes (FCG22-17 to 19) and assays are pending for holes FCG22-20 through FCG22-27.

Hole FCG22-28 is in progress, stationed part way up the northern slope on the Colorado section, on the same drillpad as FCG22-21. This hole is designed to test the continuity of the Colorado SW zone and to extend the mineralization beyond the down dip extent delineated by Getchell Gold.

Holes FCG22-17, 18, 19, 22, 23, and 25 collared on the same pad as FCG21-16, were designed as step outs to test the extent of the high-grade North Fork mineralization encountered in hole FCG21-16. Holes FCG 22, 23, and 25 were additionally designed as step outs to test the extent of the lower North Fork gold zone discovered in FCG22- 18 that graded 1.9 g/t Au over 72.6 m.

FCG22-20, a vertical drill hole, was designed to test the mineralization directly below the Colorado Pit in an area relatively absent of drilling.

FCG22-21, stationed midway up the north slope of Fondaway Canyon, was designed to crosscut the Colorado SWzone of mineralization to assist with modelling and to test the extents of the mineralization to the northwest.

FCG22-26 and 27, stationed near the canyon floor on the Colorado SW section, were designed to respectively target the eastern strike and down dip extent of the Colorado SW zone.


Fondaway Canyon, Nevada 2020- 2022 Gold Exploration + Discoveries Highlights

Watch on youtube.com: https://youtu.be/jCVNIxheGNM

If you have any questions about the 2022 drill program or the pending Resources Estimate, please contact us directly at info@www.getchellgold.com or by phone at +1 647 249-4798, or visit www.www.getchellgold.com for additionalcontent and all historical news releases.

We appreciate the continued support of our investor partners, as we anticipate continued success and progress in Nevada.

Mr. William Wagener, Chairman & CEO

Getchell Gold Corp.

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